Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Tuesday 06 May 2003

Hotel IsItAnExtravagantConsistentampIntegralDesignerVision or Simply Vulgar


Hotel Is-It-An-Extravagant-Consistent-&-Integral-Designer-Vision or Simply Vulgar? Gold Coast, Australia.

Rising at 02.10 after running music in my head for an hour or so. We had a lobby call for celebs' family & friends at 04.00 and drove out to the site, arriving at 05.20. I signed a confidentiality agreement, something I would not do in my own affairs. But then, I wouldn't appear on GMTV for my own affairs either.

This morning was the first show to have a celebrity evicted. It was very moving to be so close to the action & to see someone leave - Sian the Weather Lady. She didn't seem at all unhappy to be going. Daniella, who had asked for the public to vote her off (by not voting for her) was voted on. I have been close to her husband, Kevin, since the flight here & seen his suffering at watching his wife's distress.

Back to Hotel Are-Those-My-Only-Two-Choices? arriving at 08.40. Sian's partner had just arrived from England. He is an MP for Wales. When introduced to him, he went straight into how much Beat meant to him, particularly noting Neurotica, & asked what Bill Bruford is doing now. He is a very bright man. He argued for Robert Owen's experiment at New Lanark as a forerunner to Marx as we waited for Sian to arrive from the site.

A sauna, then dribbling gently. At 10.50 I put my head on a pillow for 20 minutes & was woken from uninterrupted sleep by the telephone at 16.10. The call was to inform me that celebs' family & friends are not on lobby call at 04.00 tomorrow for the celebrity eviction: Daniella has claimed her celebrity right & got out of there. This will be a considerable relief for her husband.

Myself, to the small shopping center next door for cappuccino, then to dinner & back to practising here in Salon Maximus.

My reading of The English Gentleman continues. It is helping me to better formulate & articulate an aspect of the exploitative nature of EG Management as EG moved from being gentlemen-in-business (1969-77), to men-in-trade (1977-84) to a property firm with the character popularly ascribed to estate agents (1984-91). Actually, any comparison to EG insults all the estate agents of my active acquaintance (I was one myself for 3 years) over a period of now 41 years. How this had practical impact in my dealings with EG is an interesting story, but will wait for a better time. Sufficient now to state that to claim for oneself the qualities inherent to gentility is itself proof that one is not a gentleman.

Notions of class are inherent in being English, and this touches on considerations of station, status & degree. What is one's "degree" as a human being, regardless of status, I wonder? The answer to this question flies by as I type:

the capacity to bear suffering determines our "degree".

Also, some future-reflection regarding KC, GC & DGM, the initials that direct much of the current course of my life.


Two calls came to the room, the first around 21.00 from The Mail On Sunday. They would like me to write a diary of IAC with my responses to Toyah being on the programme, how I feel she's getting on, etc. But the MOS writer would do the work for me. That's all right then. It is also a violation of protocol to call a room directly.

The second call came from Lembit, Sian's partner. Lembit tells me that a member of Tony Blair's university rock group recently visited No. 10 and spent some time discussing Schizoid Man with Mr. Blair, particularly the guitar break. This was mentioned on Radio 4, reported in The Guardian, and would I like to speak to a Guardian writer about this?

So, wildly divergent topics from this evening's press calls.

Now, dribbling.

